International Journal of Applied Ethics, an annual peer reviewed multidisciplinary journal published by Ramanujan College, Delhi, India during 2017-2018.
Member of Editorial Board
Journal of Indian Council of Philosophical Research, Springer from 2017-2019.
Member, Council of
International Reviewers
Journal SOPHIA: Colección de Filosofía de la Educación (SOPHIA; Philosophy of Education Collection) since 2017.
Guest Editor
Special Issue on Intersections of Poetry and Philosophy of Interdisciplinary Journal of Literature and Language (IJLL) a refereed, bi-annual print journal devoted to World literature and Culture in English published by Authorspress, New Delhi, India Vol. 4. Number 1. July-December 2017. ISSN 2278-9170.
Member of Editorial Board
Dravidian Studies, A Quarterly Research Journal of Dravidian University from September 2012-2016.
Anonymous Referee
The Berlin Journal of Philosophy (2012)
Blind Referee
Hypatia: A Journal of Feminist Philosophy published by Wiley Blackwell (2009 until now)
Guest Editor
Philosophical Practice: Journal of the APPA