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  1. “Hinduism in Thailand: Its presence and absence” in Journal of South Asian Studies Vol.24. No.2. 2018. pp. 73-86. ISSN 1598-1061.

  2. “Transition from Cultural Diversity to Multiculturalism: Perspectives from Off-shore Industry in India” in Globalisation and Cultural Encounters. AI & Society: Journal of Knowledge, Culture and Communication (Springer) co-authored with Sreelekha Mishra & Bharat Kumar. ISSN No. 0951-5666. (online version DOI 10.1007/s00146-014-0537-8 published on 24th Feb 2014).

  3. “The Argumentative Tradition in Indian Philosophy" in Journal of Philosophy, Culture and Traditions. Vol.5. 2008-09. pp. 173-186. ISSN 1609-2392


  1. “Impact of Disruptive Technology on Higher Education” University News, A Journal of Higher Education published by Association of Indian Universities. Vol.56. No.12. March 19-25, 2018. ISSN-0566-2257.

  2. “Role of Guru as an Interpreter of Dharma” in Philosophical Papers, Journal of the Department of Philosophy, University of North Bengal, Vol XIII, March 2017, pp 65-73. ISSN 0976-4496.

  3. “Political philosophy of Thomas Hobbes” a module for e-PG pathasala for National Mission on Education through ICT, MHRD, Government of India. July 2016.

  4. “Orientalist and Nationalist writings of Indian Philosophy: Some Reflections” in Philosophical Papers, Journal of the Department of Philosophy, North Bengal University, Darjeeling. Vol. X, March, 2014. pp.95-109. ISSN 0976 4496.

  5. “Symbols and Change” in Jadavpur Journal of Philosophy Vol.23, No.1, 2013-14. pp.39-48. ISSN-0975-6833.

  6. “Implications of Globalisation on Education: Some Observations” in academe, Journal of Academic Staff College, Himachal University, Shimla Vol.XVI. No.1, January, 2013. Pp.80-88. ISSN: 2229-6581.

  7. “Explorative Analysis of Repetition in Everyday life” in Suvidya Journal of Philosophy and Religion, Vol.6. No.1. June 2012. Pp.33-43. ISSN 0974-6110.

  8. “History of Indian Philosophy: Analysis of Contemporary understanding of the classical through colonial” in Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences, Journal of the Inter-University Centre for Humanities and Social Sciences, VOL. XIX, No. 1, 2012. pp47-54. ISSN: 0972-1401

  9. “Trust and Responsibility in Sexual Ethics in the Context of HIV/AIDS” in Suvidya Journal of Philosophy and Religion, Vol.5. No.2. December 2011.pp105-112.ISSN 0974-6110.

  10. “Radical Philosophy of UG Krishnamurty” in Dravidian Studies, a quarterly Journal published by Dravidian University, Kuppam. Vol.7 No.1-2. 2010. pp. 23-34. ISSN 0976-5182.

  11. “Limitations and Alternatives: Understanding Indian Philosophy” in Calicut University Research Journal, Calicut. Vol. VII. No. 1. August 2009. pp.47-58. ISSN No. 09723348.

  12. “Defining Violence from Gender Perspective” Calicut University Research Journal, Calicut: University of Calicut, Vol. V. Feb:2005 pp. 82-91. ISSN:0972334

  13. “Non-Vedic Traditions – Dravidian Philosophy” in Quarterly journal Dravidian Studies. Vol II. No.4. & Vol. III. 1-4. 2004-05. pp. 337-354. ISSN 0976-5182

  14. “Narayana Guru and Vemana: A Comparative study” Dravidian Studies Special Issue on Sri Narayana Guru, Vol. 4. July-September 2003, pp.69-80. ISSN 0976-5182


  1. “Cārvāka-Lokāyata Tradition: A Tradition of Materialist Philosophy” (Co-authored with Jayshree Jha) Ancient and Medieval Indian Thought: Themes and Traditions Eds. Ankit Tomar & Suratha Kumar. Sage publications, New Delhi. 2020. p.75-82. ISBN: 978-93-5388-232-7 (ePub)

  2. “Revisiting Dana: A response to Eurocentric Approaches” in Vasudaiva kutumbakam: Relevance of India’s Ancient Thinking to Contemporary Strategic Reality Eds. Arvind Gupta & Arpita Mitra Vivekananda International Foundation, New Delhi & Aryan Books International, New Delhi. 2020, 162-175. ISBN 978-81-7305-645-1.

  3. “Ramachandra Dattatreya Ranade” co-authored with Jayshree Jha in Modern South Asian Thinkers eds Dev Nath Pathak & Sanjeev Kumar HM. New Delhi, Sage. 2018. pp. 292-297. 978-93-528-0677-5.

  4. “Categorisation of Indian Philosophy: An Alternative Approach” in Sebastian V T & Vensus A George (ed.) Identity, Creativity and Modernisation: Perspectives on Indian Cultural Traditions. Indian Philosophical Studies, XIV. Council for Research in Values and Philosophy. Washington DC. 2013. Pp. 147-160. ISBN 9781565182783.

  5. “Role of Learner in Globalised Education” in Globalisation and Cultural Identities: Philosophical Challenges and Opportunities ed. By Sebastian Velassery. New Delhi: Overseas Press. 2012. Pp.119-26. ISBN9788189938802

  6. “Richness of Indian Symbolism and Changing Perspectives” in Symbols in Cultures and Identities in a Time of Global Interaction edited by Paata Chkheidze, Hoang Thi To and Yaroslav Pasko, Washington DC: The Council for Research in Values and Philosophy, 2009 pp. 256-271, ISBN: 978-1-56518.

  7. “The concept of Man in Thirukkural” (co-authored with S. Penchalaiah) in Tiruvalluvar edited by C. Sam Christopher. Kuppam: Dravidian University. 2009:73-78.

  8. “Symbols, Change and Globalisation” in Globalisation, Multiculturalism and the International Order – Proceedings of the 8th International Congress of Social Philosophy edited by C. Sam Christopher, S. Penchalaiah & D. Balaganapathi. Kuppam. Dravidian University. 2009: 231-240.

  9. “Dana: A Foundation of the Indian Social life” in Foundations of Indian Life: Cultural, Religious and Aesthetic Edited by Sebastian VT & Geeta M. Booksurge: 2008. ISBN. 1439201854

  10. “Suresh Chandra on Historiography of Civilisation: With reference to Dravidian Civilisation” The Philosophy of Suresh Chandra edited by R.C. Pradhan, New Delhi; ICPR, 2004, pp. 283-300. ISBN: 81-85636-74-5


  1. “Jaina and Valmiki Ramayanas: A Comparative Study” Pathway to God, a quarterly Journal published by Academy of Comparative Philosophy and Religion, Belgaum, July-Sept. 2005 pp.31-39. ISSN-0971-927X

  2. “Defining Definition”, a joint paper with Mrs. Mahalakshmi, Pathway to God a quarterly Journal published by Academy of Comparative Philosophy and Religion, Belgaum, Vol. XXXIX, No.1. October-December 2003, pp.39-43. ISSN-0971-927X

  3. “Kant on Moral Experience”, a joint paper with Mrs. Mahalakshmi, Pathway to God a quarterly Journal published by Academy of Comparative Philosophy and Religion, Belgaum, Vol. XXXIX, No.1. October-December 2003, pp.21-29. ISSN-0971-927X

  4. “Theory of Knowledge According to Visistadvaita”, Pathway to God a quarterly Journal published by Academy of Comparative Philosophy and Religion, Belgaum, Vol. XXXVIII: No.2. April-June 2003: pp.31-36. ISSN-0971-927X

  5. “Alternative Way of Understanding Indian Philosophy: A Preliminary Attempt”, Pathway to God a quarterly Journal published by Academy of Comparative Philosophy and Religion, Belgaum, Vol. XXXVIII: No.1. Jan-March 2003: pp.38-40. ISSN-0971-927X

  6. “The concept of Religion According to Tagore”, Pathway to God a quarterly Journal published by Academy of Comparative Philosophy and Religion, Belgaum, Vol. XXXVII: No.3. July-September 2002: pp. 62-72. ISSN-0971-927X.


  1. “Theistic Metaphysics: Satchidananda Murty’s conceptualization of Real” in Approaches to the Real in Contemporary India Ed. By Maitreyee Datta & Saumitra Basu Jadhavpur University. 

  2. “Historiography of Indian Philosophy: Some Reflections on Periodization and Conceptualization” History of Ancient India (vols) Ed. Dilip Chakrabarti being published by Vivekananda International Foundation, New Delhi.

  3. “Relearning to be at Peace: Exploring Alternative Conceptions” in Self-awareness of Life in New Era ed. Peter Jonkers being published by CRVP, Washington DC.

  4. “Culture through the Labyrinth of Globalization: A Study of Resistance to Standardization of Telugu” in Comparative Literature Studies, Journal of The Pennsylvania State University Press. ISSN 0010-4132 


  1. Review of the Book Atlantic Gandhi: The Mahatma Overseas written by Nalini Natarajan (New Delhi Sage, 2013) in Journal of Gandhian Studies, Visakhapatnam. Vol.3. No. 2. 2014. Pp.487-492.

  2. Indian Philosophy in English: From Renaissance to Independence edited by Nalini Bhushan and Jay Garfield (Oxford University Press, 2011) in Philosophical Papers: Journal of the Department of Philosophy, University of North Bengal. Vol-IX, March 2012, pp.206-212.

  3. Prasthanatraya: An Introduction by Swami Harshananda (Bangalore: Ramakrishnamuth:2001) in Dravidian Studies, Kuppam, Dravidian University, Vol. 2. October-December 2003, pp.102-3

  4. Who is a Hindu?  by Keonraad Elst, in Dravidian Studies, Kuppam, Dravidian University, Vol. 3. April-June 2003, pp.110-113.

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